Friday, June 15, 2007

Opt-Out Provision Still to Be Decided

On Tuesday, the Metro Legal Department released a legal summary on the proposed uniform policy. The full legal opinion is still being drafted, but according to the summary, there appear to be some vulnerable areas of the policy, including in regard to opt-outs.

From the MNPS website: "The memo notes some minor areas of the policy which need further clarification, a task which will be easily accomplished before the policy goes to the Metro Board of Education as part of the regular 30-day notification process for policy changes." (This refers to the requirement that a policy change be presented to the school board at least 30 days before it is implemented, which in this case means 30 days prior to the first day of school.)

Media response so far:
Pith in the Wind
City Paper


Adelaide said...

Ashley ... I work at The Tennessean and would like to talk to you for a story for tomorrow's paper on the uniform issue and its legality. Please call me asap at (615) 726-5977. It's almost 4 p.m. on Tuesday. Thanks! -- Heidi Hall

wizkid00987 said...

I knows who would do such a thing to us and it is all just to make money. Plus to make money off from kids is against the school boards policy.